
(724) 413-2073


Your logo is your ambassador. Your logo needs to briefly describe who you are, the tone of your company, and what type of service customers can expect from your company. Your logo is your go-to employee who was hired specifically to sell your company 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. AND it needs to do this when you are not around - without any supervision or narrative on your part "explaining" what it means.

Let's get started on your logo NOW!

​Foxley Farm is a high-end special events venue located in the scenic countryside of Ligonier Pa. Foxley Farm specializes in weddings and corporate retreats.

​Foxley Farm is a high-end special events venue located in the scenic countryside of Ligonier Pa. Foxley Farm specializes in weddings and corporate retreats.

​Z-44 is a special process that  uses advanced chemistry to remediate waste soil into a clean, green after-product. The process also produces useful by-products such as natural gas.

​Z-44 is a special process that  uses advanced chemistry to remediate waste soil into a clean, green after-product. The process also produces useful by-products such as natural gas.

Riverplex is a spacious tree-filled picnic venue located along the beautiful Monongahela River near Pittsburgh.

Riverplex is a spacious tree-filled picnic venue located along the beautiful Monongahela River near Pittsburgh.

​Yorker International is a world-class garment manufacturer that also focuses on high-quality screen printing.

​Yorker International is a world-class garment manufacturer that also focuses on high-quality screen printing.

​Psycho Dog was a web store that specialized in products that were a little off-center.

​Psycho Dog was a web store that specialized in products that were a little off-center.

The pineapple has been used as the symbol of hospitality since colonial times in America. ​Winters Advertising specializes in the hospitality industries including hotels, restaurants and spas.

The pineapple has been used as the symbol of hospitality since colonial times in America. ​Winters Advertising specializes in the hospitality industries including hotels, restaurants and spas.

​Mech 2.0 is a series of t-shirt designs that showcase "old school" icons and images with a new and modern approach.

​Mech 2.0 is a series of t-shirt designs that showcase "old school" icons and images with a new and modern approach.

​River City is an expansive event venue associated with the Sandcastle Waterpark.

​River City is an expansive event venue associated with the Sandcastle Waterpark.

​The CSL Group specializes in economical and environmentally clean processes for the  remediation of contaminated waste sites.

​The CSL Group specializes in economical and environmentally clean processes for the  remediation of contaminated waste sites.

​The Ligonier Highland Games is a high-spirited annual Celtic event held in the scenic Allegheny Mountains near Ligonier, PA.

​The Ligonier Highland Games is a high-spirited annual Celtic event held in the scenic Allegheny Mountains near Ligonier, PA.

​Arbor Sleds produces high-quality, handmade sleds using the finest wood from ash trees.

​Arbor Sleds produces high-quality, handmade sleds using the finest wood from ash trees.

jeffrey d. harris  /   washington, PA