
(724) 413-2073


I haven't done a self-caricature in a while. I figured that if I'm going to do it, I may as well treat myself like a client and give it some effort. Turned out to be a lot of fun... except the client was a little pushy.

Sponsor Mania 1

The "sponsors" are one of my favorite things to create when making Shortcuts. Here are some of my favorites.


Jack Rabbit Black (Rabbits)  .  Splint Eastwood (First Aid)  .  Lucile Ball (Golf)
Jelly Seinfeld (Jellyfish)  .  Spotty (Leopards)
O-Sean Connery (Ocean)  .  Homer Simeon (Gorillas)

Shortcuts Gallery Show 2013

Virtual Tour of "Shortcuts - The Art of Jeff Harris."

The show was exhibited at the Isla Gallery in Guam in February 2013. It featured original artwork, some of my favorite "sponsors," a behind-the-scenes section showing how an issue of Shortcuts is created, and 500 issues of Shortcuts.


Virtual Tour of "Shortcuts - The Art of Jeff Harris." The show was exhibited at the Isla Gallery in Guam in February 2013. It featured original artwork, some of my favorite "sponsors," a behind-the-scenes section showing how an issue of Shortcuts is created, and 500 issues of Shortcuts.

jeffrey d. harris  /   washington, PA